
Algolia is a hosted search API. Founded in October 2012 by Nicolas Dessaigne and Julien Lemoine. In 2023, they raised $150m at a $2.25bn valuation.

Search API
Valuation (2023)
Key Growth Strategies
  • Products as marketing (e.g. hacker news search)
  • Free Algolia search for developer docs
  • Startup program with free credits
  • Being recommended within docs by other tools e.g. Firebase
  • Landing pages for every category and use case
  • Direct sales - reaching out directly to companies that have a bad search experience
  • Ambassador program (this is how I first heard about Algolia)
Interview with Natwar Maheshwari - PLG Director at Algolia
  • Getting started with developer marketing
  • Importance of an experimental culture
  • Use the expertise around you
  • Brand building
Interview with Julie Reboul - Senior Developer Marketer at Algolia
  • Cultivating a community of trust
  • Co-marketing at Algolia
  • Ambassador program at Algolia
Official Links